Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Campaign Ideas, Thoughts, Aspirations....

Campaign Ideas, Thoughts, Aspirations....

So, I’ve been thinking really hard about what I want to do with my campaign, what changes I should make.  It came down to getting away from railroading and allowing more room for exploration.

I would like to see my next game allow my players to have the freedom (for the most part) to do as they please in terms of where they want to go and what they want to do.  In the past, I’ve felt that I’ve had to railroad the story, because it seemed that the players were heading in a complete different direction that what I had planned.  Now to put together an entire world worth of information is way too daunting, so I came up with this idea, which I would like any and all feedback on.

What I want to do is take all the main “hotspots” of where the adventure is currently leading and where it could possibly go, and building outward 50 miles in all directions.  So for example, Sage Marsh is surrounded by swamp (and possibly a bad example), but if the PC’s didn’t want to move forward with the campaign and take a break from it and for instance, wanted to travel within the swamp, looking for adventure, I would be prepared.  I would have separate encounters created for the surrounding region so that no matter where the PC’s venture off to, adventure will find them.  It still seems daunting, but I think it would give the game a feel of freedom and most importantly, one of my favorite parts of playing D&D...exploration.  There’s nothing like coming across a new place to explore, finding what lies within the dark corridors of the ancient temple or the catacombs of a long forgotten king.  This would even be more amplified if it was the PC’s decision to go to that area, feeling as if they TRULY found it, by making their choice to go in that direction and what not.  Still seems kind of daunting, but I think it could really add to the realism of the game and to reward players for making those choices.

So here is what campaign entails....I’m inviting all those who are part of my D&D group to “request” what they would like to provide ideas for my setting so I can enhance it.  This could be in the form of adventure plots/encounters, specific character development quests, other quests, etc.  For those that don’t play in the game I run, I’m asking for any ideas or advice that could enhance my campaign.

Currently, without giving too much away, I’m running a campaign where Vecna is trying to restore his fallen temples, bringing the rise of darkness to bear once more.  Utilizing large amassed armies of undead, a resource he never really runs out of, along with mercenaries he has either hired or controls out of fear (who are helping him to achieve his goals in other ways), he plans to destroy each and every living thing in the world. 

I’m looking for ideas to expand upon this in any way I can, so your thoughts are GREATLY appreciated.

Current Races/Classes in campaign:

Tiefling Wizard
Human Predator Druid
Human Paladin
Human Warlord
Elven Bow Ranger
Razorclaw Shifter Rogue
Half-Orc Barbarian


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